The Importance of Prints & Artwork
When I was 17 years old, my family experienced a devastating house fire. We were in the process of moving when the fire broke out so we didn't lose everything, but we did lose some very important things.
Now, years later, what do I miss the most?
My pictures. I don't have any pictures left from my life before that fire.
My school pictures were lost, all of my photo albums and all of my yearbooks were destroyed. Those things can't be replaced.
I don't think we, as humans, give this much thought, unless you have been through a tragedy and have lost your family photos. Then, you know exactly what I am talking about.
Recently, my Dad has been working on a project to get the old reel-to-reel home movies that he saved from the fire transferred to digital files. It's a pain staking process but I appreciate the time and effort he is putting in because I can watch them and remember parts of my child hood I had long forgotten.
This got me thinking, though. I don't really encourage my clients to purchase prints and/or artwork because I don't want to be pushy. I usually share low resolution digital files so they can share on social media. But, I am missing the opportunity to explain WHY creating prints and/or artwork is important.
You really don't know how important these things are until you don't have them any more.
Let's create some prints and/or artwork of your dog this summer.
Hugs to your dog!